Monday, March 18, 2013


My race is a little over halfway through. I have lived over half of my life, yet so many things in this world I misunderstood. I don't know how many more years of working life left for me; but I would like to think that I still have plenty of pages left to turn--that there's still more new things to learn and plenty to reflect on, just to understand things in this world...just to believe that everything happens for a reason.

The one thing in life I know for sure is, as long as you live there's always something waiting--something new under the sun and even if it's bad--what can you do but to welcome it... a part of life. This is the world of duality, we have to experience the bad to learn to appreciate the good things that come our way...that if life was easy, we would be bored to death--I'd rather be! =)))

Seriously, as we get into a situation especially in a negative ones, as if we can't get out of it--feeling stuck with no way out; but life's never at a stand is a cycle--a cycle of good times and bad times...a series of hellos and goodbyes...a sunshine and rain. As they say, true happiness and contentment in life comes from within and it just requires conscious effort to realize. So let's be happy with what we happy even if things aren't good--so easy to say, but so very difficult to put into practice!

LIVE, LAUGH AND LOVE--that's what life is all about...according to them, but not for me =( It's live, laugh, cry and love--just my personal view ;)